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Error list

This are all the errors that our SDK could return:

error keyDescription
callback/not-providedCallback URL not provided when calling the SDK
callback/invalid-urlCallback URL provided is not valid
callback/invalid-protocolCallback URL provided is not valid protocol
clientId/not-providedClient Id not provided when intializing the SDK
clientSecret/not-providedClient Secret not provided when intializing the SDK
externalId/not-providedExternal ID not provided when calling the SDK
name/not-providedName not provided when calling the SDK
deviceId/not-providedDevice Id not provided when intializing the SDK
public-key/invalidPublic key provided for external wallet is not valid
token/invalidToken invalid, means Client Id or Client Secret are wrong
token/expiredToken expired, the actual expiration time for session is 5 minutes
eventData/not-providedEmpty eventData provided
camera/permissions-deniedUser didn't allow camera permission request
camera/requested-camera-not-supportedUser device camera is not supported
verify/face-didn't-match-or-invalid-pinUser face was not validated
recognize/face-not-recognized-or-invalid-pinUser face was not recognized
enroll/user-id-already-existsExternal ID already exists
enroll/id-number-already-existsUser ID number scanned from ID already exists
user-cancelledUser manually cancelled